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Jernigan’s Christmas Open House

Jernigan's 4305 Fayetteville Road, Lumberton, North Carollina

Jernigan's of Lumberton is hosting an open house!  Twenty per cent off merchandise storewide, Duplin Winery and food trucks are a part of the celebration.  Prizes are given away at special times, so have some fun shopping for that special holiday gift.

Basketball – UNC Pembroke

Lumbee Guaranty Bank Court 403 East 3rd Street, Pembroke, North Carolina

The UNC Pembroke Braves Men's Basketball team is hosting the Catawba Chiefs tonight!  Game time is 7:00pm.  Join the fun and cheer on the BRAVES!!!

Event Series Hang the Halls – Prospectus

Hang the Halls – Prospectus

Robeson Art Guild 109 West 9th Street, Lumberton, NC

Visitors and residents have the opportunity to experience the excellence of our local arts.  Two galleries are available for viewing and purchasing art. Gallery I, the Robeson Art Guild House located at 109 W 9th Street, Lumberton NC 28358. Gallery II, Adelio’s Restaurant located at 111 W 3rd Street, Lumberton 28358. Additionally, visit and shop at […]

Holiday Auction Extravaganza

Adelio's Italian Restaurant Downtown 111 West 3rd Street, Lumberton, North Carolina

Robeson County History Museum is sponsoring a Holiday Auction Extravaganza featuring sports memorabilia, art and fine collectibles.  View and bid on a spectacular collection specially and professionally chosen from all over the country for this event.  The auction location is Adelio's Italian Restaurant.  Tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the door.  Tickets may be […]

Turkey Trot Golf

Scothurst Golf Course 142 Scothurst Drive, Lumber Bridge, North Carolina

Scothurst Golf Course is doing a turkey trot send off for golfers  with a chance to win $25,000!  A hole-in-one shot will win!  Other prizes will be given away during the event.  Enjoy a trot around the golf course!  Shot gun start is at 11:00am.  Bring cash. This year Scothurst will be accepting canned foods […]